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ANSUR Anthropometric Measurements Data Visualizer

Visualize and compare yourself to the anthropometric measurements of men and women in the ANSUR surveys.

Enter the measurements you would like compared in the measurement X and measurement Y boxes, then enter your values for those measurement into the X value input and Y value input boxes. Display and unit options can be selected below the graph

Click for the ANSUR 1 and ANSUR 2 servey info (you can find measurement intructions and info here)

Also please check out the donate page, my insurance denied my surgery claim so I'm kinda broke rn

Input measurements

Make sure you have the spelling right, if you mispell something the chart won't show.

TIP: Always click on the drop down of the measurement you want to use, that way you can guarantee that it is spelled right.

Graph will be displayed here Data shown for: Units: Plot as: Dataset version: